Past projects
appeal allowed for the removal of an agricultural tie
Hannah represented this client to successfully appeal the refusal of planning permission for the removal of an agricultural tie. The appeal was dealt with by way of a hearing and the appeal was allowed with a full award of costs.
LPA: Somerset
planning permission and listed building consent for the extension of a holiday let
Hannah successfully secured planning permission and listed building consent for the extension of a holiday let. This permission allows for the sensitive expansion of the property, respecting its historic value while enhancing its functionality for guests.
LPA: East Devon
Reserved Matters Approval for two dwellings
Hannah secured reserved matters permission for two dwellings on a former garden plot on the outskirts of Taunton, following outline approval. Permission was granted with Phosphate Credits, which Hannah advised on, in conjunction with the preparation of a shadow habitat regulations assessment and mitigation report.
LPA: Somerset
Hannah successfully got planning permission for a variation of condition application for the erection of nine dwellings. The application amended the layout of the site and design of the dwellings. The application also discharged all of the outstanding conditions, to ensure the development can commence and be built out, in accordance with the clients requirements.
LPA: Somerset West and Taunton
class Q approval for the conversion of two barns to dwellings
Hannah successfully obtained Class Q approval for the conversion of two barns into residential dwellings. This approval will allow the agricultural buildings to be converted to two detached homes in a fantastic rural location.
LPA: Mid Devon
Change of use of a public house to a dwelling
Hannah secured full planning permission and listed building consent for the change of use of a redundant public house to a dwelling. The proposal provides a new and viable use for this listed building and secure its future in an uncertain economic climate, where the large premises was no longer viable as a pub.
LPA: Teignbridge
Redevelopment of a Brownfield site for Three Dwellings
Hannah successfully secured full planning permission for the erection of three dwellings in Exeter. The proposal will see the redevelopment of a brownfield site in the city centre. The proposal is for a high quality, car free, small development and will create three family sized homes.
LPA: Exeter City Council
Hannah successfully got planning permission for the erection of a replacement dwelling using the Class Q fallback position. This application followed a successful grant of permission under Class Q and positive pre-application from the Council on the design of this replacement dwelling, which is within the setting of an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
LPA: Somerset West and Taunton
Erection of two dwellings on a garden plot
Hannah has successfully secured planning permission for two dwellings in a conservation area in Taunton on a former garden plot. The scheme has been granted Phosphate Credits by the Council to mitigate against the impact of the development. Hannah is familiar with using the phosphate calculator and application process, including commissioning mitigation reports and shadow habitat regulations assessments.
LPA: Somerset
approval of four Gypsy and Traveller pitches
Hannah successfully secured approval for four Gypsy and Traveller pitches located in Flood Zone 3 in Somerset. Despite the challenges associated with developing in a high-risk flood area, through negotiation and demonstrating the pitches would be safe for the lifetime of the development, planning permission was secured, to deliver four much needed family pitches.
LPA: Somerset
certificate of lawfullness approval
Hannah successfully secured a Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing dwelling, the change of use of land to residential, and a residential outbuilding. A significant body of evidence was prepared and submitted alongside the application, to ensure the relevant legal tests could be met, demonstrating that the change of use and building operations took place in excess of 10 years ago.
LPA: Teignbridge
approval for 2no. dwellings
Hannah successfully obtained planning permission for the erection of two dwellings with associated works in the garden to the rear of the property. This development optimises the use of the existing space while providing additional residential units.
LPA: Somerset
approval of self build dwelling
Hannah successfully secured planning permission for the demolition of an existing agricultural building and the erection of one self-build dwelling, replacing a previous Class Q approval. This allows for a custom-built home while utilising the site of the former agricultural structure.
LPA: Torridge
approval for two gyspy and traveller pitches
Hannah successfully obtained approval for the change of use of land from equestrian to two Gypsy and Traveller pitches. This included the conversion of an equestrian storage building into a shared day room, providing essential facilities while repurposing the existing structure.
LPA: Wiltshire